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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eucommia Leaf Tea:- Maintains Healthy Body & Overcoming Health Problems


PRICE (2gm x 25 Sachets per box) / HARGA (2gm x 25 Uncang sekotak)                                                           RM30.00:- Peninsular Malaysia (Semenanjung Malaysia)                                                                             RM36.00 :- Sabah/Sarawak                                               USD18.00:- Other Countries (Negara-Negara Lain)         
[PV :- 3.16]

Ingredients:- 100% Pure Eucommia Leaf

 Organic Eucommia Leaf Tea from Kaihua CountyZhejiang China

 Popular Tea in Japan

Japanese is the first society that made Eucommia leaf as a healthy tea. Today, Japanese regarded Eucommia leaf tea as a health builder tea and become very popular in Japan. Each year, Japan imported Eucommia leaf in a great amount to cater for the high market demand. There are several books explaining on the benefits of Eucommia Leaf Tea and research that has been committed by University of NihonUniversity of Toyama and University of Hokaida to ensure its health benefits.

 Health benefits:
1.   Anti-oxidant & anti-aging
2.   De-toxin effect and stimulates collagen synthesis in the body to give freshness to the skin

3.    Reduces blood pressure & normalize low blood pressure
4.    Decreases blood sugar
5.    Decreases fatty blood 
6.    Enhances the kidneys & liver functions
7.    Facilitates bowel movement and overcomes the constipation problem
8.    Slimming purposes
9.    Strengthens muscles and bone
10.  Eliminates the chronic back pain
11.  Eliminates fatigue and boosts energy
12.  Increases immunity functions
13.  Calm the nerves and for more soundly sleeping 
14.  Stimulates the pituitary-adrenal gland

Eucommia Leaf Ingredients: 
1.  17 acid amino (including all important amino acid)
2.  21 minerals & mineral elements (high content of potassium, calcium, iron and selenium)
3.  15 types lignans and glikoside lignans (including pinoresinol diglukoside responsible for hipotensif-decrease blood pressure effect)
4.  10 types iridoid (including aukubin & geniposide responsible for collagen synthesis)
5.  6 types of organic acid (including chlorogenic acid responsible to neutralize free radical)
6.  Vitamin A, C, E & B6 etc
7.  Chlorophyll
8.  Catechin
9.  Eucommia Collagen

Researches have been undertaken by the following universities to ensure the effectiveness of Eucommia Herb: Northwest University, China; China Medical University; Beijing University of Chinese Medicine; Nanjing Medical University; Harvard University, Wisconsin University, Louisiana University, Nihon University, Toyama University & Hokaido University, Japan; McMaster University, Canada; Kyungpook National University, South Korea.
According to Dr hu Xiu Ying (Professor from Harvard University United States): ”Eucommia is best natural herbal in the world for lowering blood pressure, which is not comparable with other medicines”
 1. Immerse 1 tea bag of Eucommia Leaf in a cup or tea pot containing 350ml of boiling water for at least 10 minutes before drinking. It can be brewed 3 times or more.  It is better if you soak a tea bag in a flask containing 1,000ml boiling water and drink it hot throughout the day.
 2. It is proposed to drink Eucommia Tea when stomach is empty, before three servings. Drink it every morning before breakfast and exercises will give a better effect.
 3. It will take 1 to 4 months before experiencing its therapeutic & body slimming effects.


Eucommia Leaf Tea:- Teh Kesihatan yang Popular di Jepun
Masyarakat Jepun menjadikan daun teh Eucommia sebagai teh pembina kesihatan yang sangat popular di Jepun. Terdapat beberapa buku tertulis tentang faedah daun teh Eucommia dan juga penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh universiti-universiti di Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, Jepun dan Cina.
:: Kesan dalam merendahkan tekanan darah
:: Kesan dalam mengawal fungsi jantung dan vaskular
:: Kesan dalam merendahkan gula darah
:: Kesan dalam mengurangkan lemak dan sintesis kolagen
:: Nota : Untuk mereka yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan dan mengekalkan kesihatan. Sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur.
:: Cara Hidangan :
Rendamkan 1 uncang daun Eucommia dalam segelas air didih 350ml sekurang-kurangnya selama 10 minit sebelum minum. Ianya boleh diulang sebanyak 3 kali atau lebih. Adalah lebih baik jika anda rendamkan 1 uncang teh di dalam termos air didih 1000ml dan biarkan panas untuk di minum sepanjang hari.

Faedah Kesihatan Mengamalkan Daun Teh Eucommiadari Zhejiang Cina ini :-
01. Anti-oksida dan anti-penuaan
02. Menyah toksin dan merangsang sintesis kolagen dalam tubuh, untuk mencantikkan kulit
03. Merendahkan tekanan darah dan menormalkan tekanan darah rendah
04. Merendahkan gula darah
05. Merendahkan lemak darah
06. Menyuburkan buah pinggang dan hati
07. Memudahkan pergerakan bowel dan mengatasi masalah sembelit
08. Melansingkan tubuh
09. Menguatkan urat dan tulang
10. Menghilangkan sakit belakang yang kronik
11. Menghilangkan keletihan dan meningkatkan tenaga
12. Meningkatkan fungsi imuniti
13. Menenangkan saraf dan untuk tidur yang lebih nyenyak
14. Merangsang kalenjar pituitari-adrenal

Kandungan Daun Eucommia
01. 17 amino asid (termasuk semua asid amino yang penting)
02. 21 mineral dan unsur mineral ( tinggi kandungan kalium, kalsium, besi dan selenium )
03. 15 jenis lignan dan glikoside lignan ( menurunkan tekanan darah )
04. 10 jenis iridoid
05. 6 jenis organik asid
06. Vitamin A, C, E dan B6 dan lain-lain
07. Klorofil
08. Catechin
09. Kolagen Eucommia

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