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Monday, June 28, 2010

Energy Ring:- Everlasting pleasures & Continuous Happiness (Nikmat Berpanjangan, Kebahagiaan Berterusan)


(i). "B" Type (Jenis "Biasa")

RM38.00 - West Malaysia
RM39.00 - East Malaysia
USD13.00 - Other Countries

[PV :- 3.95]  

(ii). "J" Type (Jenis "Jambul")

RM41.00 - West Malaysia
RM42.00 - East Malaysia
USD14.00 - Other Countries

[PV :- 4.34]  

This s
pecial rubber has two functions, providing energy and relieves pain and joint pain. (
Getah istimewa ini mempunyai dua fungsi, memberi tenaga dan melegakan kesakitan serta sakit sendi. )

Advantages of Energy Ring (
Kelebihan Energy Ring)

Formula  produces energy that activates blood cells while relieving pain.  (
Formula Bio-Energy mengeluarkan tenaga yang mengaktifkan sel-sel darah sambil melegakan sakit).

* Helps to overcome premature ejaculation and sustains penis erection by trapping some blood in penis area. The blood still flowing although the Energy-Ring is worn at the base of the penis.
Membantu mengatasi ejakulasi pra-matang dan memantapkan ereksi zakar dengan memerangkap sejumlah darah di bahagian zakar.Aliran darah masih berjalan walaupun Energy-Ring dipakai di pangkal zakar).

* Maintains, enhances and compacts the penis erection by flowing the blood into the main blood veins of the penis. 
Mengekal, menambah dan memadatkan ketegangan zakar dengan menyalurkan lebih banyak tumpuan darah ke urat utama zakar).

* Increase the enjoyment of the intimate relationship of your partner. (
Menambahkan kenikmatan hubungan intim pasangan anda)

* Helps the use of condoms more safely. (
Membantu penggunaan kondom dengan lebih selamat). 

How to Use (
Cara Penggunaan)

* Energy Ring can only function when the penis is the erection condition. (
Hanya dalam keadaan tegang, Energy-Ring berfungsi)

* Make sure the penis is in the erection condition. (
Pastikan zakar dalam keadaan tegang).

* Pull the inner section of  the Energy-Ring and wear it up to the base of the penis. (
Tarik bahagian dalam Energy-Ring dan sarungkan sehingga ke pangkal zakar).

* Make sure that the thick part of the Energy Ring at the top position, and the light part the bottom position of the penis. (
Pastikan bahagian tebal Energy-Ring berada di posisi atas, dan di bahagian nipis di posisi bawah zakar).

  • Note (
    You will get the best result if it is being used continuously. It also can be used on hand/  foot 
    fingers to ease 
    numbness and joint pain for men and women (
    Anda akan mendapat kesan yang lebih baik jika menggunakannya secara berterusan. Ia juga boleh dipakai di jari tangan/kaki untuk menghilangkan rasa kebas dan sakit sendi untuk lelaki dan wanita).

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