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Sunday, April 1, 2012


Antioxidants are usually referred to a group of chemicals that are naturally found in vegetables, plants and fruits. They can also be synthesized in our body. Antioxidants are essential for the prevention of the human diseases like cancer and cardio vascular diseases. They also have anti-aging effect and they fight against the free radicals that are associated with aging related diseases. This disease includes Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Anti-oxidant suppresses the formation of free radicals thereby protecting the body from various diseases.

Antioxidants are responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system. The immune cells produce certain free radicals for normal defense function, if the number of free radicals increases beyond the fixed level it affects the immune system to a greater extent. When these conditions prevail antioxidants fight against the free radicals and promote the immunity. They also play a main role in cellular metabolism, gene activation, signal transduction and transcription.

Antioxidants also control the cholesterol level and remove the bad cholesterol content from the human body. Some of the examples of dietary antioxidants are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, chlorophyll, flavonoids and phenolic acids. Some of the chemicals along with the antioxidant activity produced in a human body are uric acid, amino acids and high density lipo proteins. The rich sources of natural antioxidants are fruits, vegetables, tea, nuts, herbs and whole grain cereals.

Some of the fruits that have high antioxidants are apple, blackberry, blueberry and grapes. Some of the vegetables that have powerful antioxidants in excess are carrot, tomato, potato, garlic and beans. Green tea, black tea, ginger and herbal tea are the other important sources of antioxidants.


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