Goji Catuaba:- Boosting More Power, More Energy,
More Ummpphh
RM86.00 - West Malaysia
RM90.00 - East Malaysia
USD45.00 - Other Countries
PV:- 9.08
Ingredients:- Goji Extract, Catuaba Extract, Soy Bean, and Fructose.
Nutrition Facts per 10gm/sachet:-
Energy:- 41kcal; Fat:- 0.6g; Carbohydrate:- 7.9g; Protein:- 1.1g
Brief Description:-
With Goji Catuaba, there’s more for you to enjoy in your daily health drink. Goji Catuaba uses only the extract of goji that comes from Zhongning District of Ningxia Province of China. The people from this region have been taking goji as daily food and they believe it helps them stay an active life. Now, with a combination of potent ingredient, Catuaba extract, gives you more power and more health benefits.
Health Benefits of Goji Catuaba:-
• Increases energy
• Acts as anti-oxidant
• Provides high quality protein
• Dilates/relaxes blood vessels
• Increases blood flow
Dosage:- 1 sachet per day
* Not recommended for children under 12 years and pregnant women.
* Please use glass cup & plastic spoon to stir.
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Special Nutrient in Goji Catuaba
Health Benefit of Catuaba
Catuaba is a medium-sized tree found in the Amazon forest in the northern part of Brazil. Traditionally, the Topi Indians use a decoction of the bark to restore health and vitality after illness.
Main Actions (in order):- aphrodisiac, nervine (balances/calms nerves), anti-anxiety, central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens the nervous system), antiviral
Main Uses:-
1.as an aphrodisiac and libido stimulant for males and females
2.to tone, balance, and calm the central nervous system (and for nerve pain, exhaustion, over stimulation)
3.for nervousness, emotional stress, and insomnia (related to overactive neurotransmitters)
4.as a general tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)
5.for poor memory, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia
Properties/Actions Documented by Research:- analgesic (pain-reliever), antibacterial, antiviral, vasodilator, vasorelaxant
Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:- anti-anxiety, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens), nervine (balances/calms nerves), tonic (tones, balances, strengthens)
Please click below to know more about:-
* Catuaba
Goji Catuaba:- Meledakkan Lebih Kuasa, Lebih Tenaga, Lebih Ummpphh.!!!!!!!!
HARGA (10gm x 15 sachet sekotak):
RM86.00:- Semenanjung Malaysia
RM90.00:- Sabah/Sarawak
USD45.00:- Negara-Negara Lain
[PV:- 9.08]
Bahan-Bahan:- Ekstrak Goji, Ekstrak Catuaba, Kacang Soya, Madu, Fruktos.
Fakta Pemakanan:-
Saiz Hidangan: 10 gm/sachet
Tenaga:- 41kcal; Lemak:- 0.6g; Karbohidrat:- 7.9g; Protein:- 1.1g
Sekilas Pandang:-
Goji Catuaba hanya menggunakan ekstrak Goji yang datangnya dari daerah Zhongning Negeri Ningxia di Negara China. Penduduk di kawasan ini telah pun mengamalkan Goji sebagai makanan harian & mereka percaya Goji membantu hidup lebih aktif. Catuaba pula merupakan pokok bersaiz sederhana yang terdapat di hutan Amazon di bahagian utara Brazil yang sangat berkesan untuk melebar dan merehatkan pembuluh darah. Secara tradisi, puak Topi Indian menggunakan rebusan pati daripada kulit kayunya untuk memulihkan kesihatan dan mendapat tenaga selepas sakit.
Faedah Kesihatan Goji Catuaba
• Menambah tenaga
• Bertindak sebagai anti-oksidan• Membekalkan protein berkualiti tinggi
• Melebar/merehatkan pembuluh darah
• Melancarkan perjalanan darah
Sukatan Minum:- 1 sachet sehari
* Kanak-kanak di bawah 12 tahun dan wanita mengandung dilarang meminumnya
** Gunakan sudu plastik dan gelas kaca. Elakkan guna besi untuk membancuh Goji Catuaba
*** ~~~***
Keistimewaan Ekstrak Catuaba Dalam Goji Catuaba:-
1. Sebagai perangsang seks bagi lelaki dan wanita untuk merawat masalah ketidaktegangan / mati pucuk bagi lelaki dan "anaorgasmia" (masalah tidak mencapai organisma) bagi wanita.
2. Mengseimbang dan memperkuatkan sistem "central nervous" dan mengatasi masalah tekanan emosi, murung dan kerisauan.
3. Sebagai pengimbang hormon secara umum.
4. Mengatasi masalah perut, colic, dyspepsia
5. Mengatasi masalah "mood disorders (hypochondria, obsessive compulsive disorder, neurosis, paranoia, etc)".
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