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Monday, March 26, 2012

34 Reasons Why We Should Consume GOJI Daily

34 Reasons Why We Should Consume GOJI Daily 
  1. Extends life, protecting your body from premature aging through its powerful ANTIOXIDANT action.
  2. Increases your ENERGY, STAMINA & STRENGTH, espcially when fighting disease. 
  3. Makes you feel and look younger. Goji stimulates the secretion of hGH (Human Growth Hormone), known as "YOUTH HORMONE".
  4. Maintains a healthy BLOOD PRESSURE.
  5. Reduces the risk of CANCER. 
  6. Reduces CHOLESTEROL.
  7. Promotes normal blood sugar in an early adult-onset DIABETES. 
  8. Enhances SEXUAL function and treats SEXUAL dysfunction. 
  9. Helps reduce BODY WEIGHT. 
  10. Relieves MIGRAINE, headaches and dizziness. 
  11. Relieves INSOMNIA and improves quality of sleep.
  12. Maintains HEALTHY EYES and improves eyes VISION. 
  13. Strengthens the HEART. 
  14. Inhibits LIPID PRE-OXIDATION (a cause of heart disease).
  15. Improves disease resistance. 
  16. Improves immune response (T-Cell, IL-2, IgA, IgG).
  17. GOJI is used as a cancer treatment. 
  18. Inhibits TUMORS GROWTH. 
  19. Restores and repairs DNA - preventing MUTATIONS that can cause CANCER.
  20. Reduces the TOXIC EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY and RADIATION.                   
  21. Builds strong blood , enhancing production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets , and TREATMENT OF BONE MARROW DEFICIENCY. 
  22. Improves LYMPHOCYTE count. 
  24. Supports healthy LIVERS function. 
  25. Strengthens your MUSCLES and BONES.
  27. Prevents MORNING SICKNESS in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  28. Improves FERTILITY. 
  29. Supports normal KIDNEY FUNCTION. 
  30. Improves MEMORY and RECALL ABILITY. 
  32. Alleviates ANXIETY and STRESS.

    Source:-  Extracted from 'GOJI: The Himalayan Health SECRET', written b Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D.**

    ** Dr Mindell is a registered pharmacist, master herbalist and holds a PhD in nutrition.
    A world-renowned nutritionist, he is the author of 50 bestselling nutritional books.
    One of his books, "The Vitamin Bible" was sold more than 10 million copies worldwide, in 32 languages and 54 countries.


    34 keistimewaan mengapa perlu amalkan GOJI setiap hari 

    1.  Memanjangkan usia, menghalang diri daripada tua sebelum masanya melalui tindakan ANTI-OKSIDA yang tinggi.
    2. Meningkatkan TENAGA, STAMINA, KEKUATAN, terutamanya untuk melawan penyakit.
    3.  Menjadikan kelihatan muda melalui rangsangan rembesan HGH ('Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia' atau lebih dikenali 'HORMON REMAJA').
    4.  Mengekalkan TEKANAN DARAH yang sihat.
    5. Mengurangkan risiko KANSER.
    6. Mengurangkan KOLESTEROL.
    7. Menormal dan mengawal gula dalam darah bagi pengidap DIABETES.
    8. Meningkatkan fungsi SEKSUAL dan merawat masalah SEKSUAL.
    9. Membantu mengurangkan BERAT BADAN.
    10. Melegakan MIGRAINE, sakit kepala dan pening.
    11.  Melegakan INSOMNIA dan membantu tidur yang nyenyak.
    12. Mengekalkan KESIHATAN MATA dan menambahbaik PENGLIHATAN.
    13. Menguatkan JANTUNG.
    14.  Menghalang PEROKSIDA LIPID (punca penyakit jantung).
    15. Meningkatkan halangan penyakit.
    16.  Meningkatkan RESPONS IMUNISASI  (T-Cell, IL-2, IgA, IgG).
    17. GOJI digunakan dalam RAWATAN KANSER.
    18. Menghalang TUMBESARAN TUMOR.
    19. Menempatkan semula dan membaik-pulih DNA - Menghalang MUTASI yang menyebabkan KANSER.
    21. Membina darah yang kuat, meningkatkan produksi sel-sel darah merah, sel-sel darah putih dan platelet, dan RAWATAN PENYAKIT TULANG SUM-SUM.
    22. Meningkatkan LIMFOSIT.
    23. Mengaktifkan ENZIM ANTI-RADANG.
    24. Menyokong FUNGSI HATI yang SIHAT.
    25.  Menguatkan OTOT dan TULANG.
    27.  Menghalang LOYA di peringkat awal mengandung.
    28. Meningkatkan KESUBURAN.
    29. Menyokong FUNGSI BUAH PINGGANG.
    30. Meningkatkan MEMORI dan memulihkan INGATAN.
    31. Membantu BATUK KERING yang KRONIK.
    32.  Menghilang TEKANAN dan GELISAH.
    33. Meningkatkan KECERIAAN dan SEMANGAT dalam diri.
    34. Membantu SISTEM PENGHADAMAN.
Petikan dari Buku 'GOJI: The Himalayan Health SECRET'. Karangan dan Penemuan oleh Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., Dikenali sebagai BAPA REVOLUSI NUTRISI DUNIA. Arif dan berpengalaman sebagai Herbalist dan merupakan Ahli Farmasi Berdaftar.

Penemuan ini menjadikan GOJI begitu popular dan mendapat permintaan yang tinggi dari Pengguna mahupun Pengeluar Ubat-Ubatan.

Digunakan secara meluas dalam Rawatan AIDS, HIV dan KANSER, dan ramai doktor-doktor seluruh dunia memperakui Kehebatan GOJI.
"Apa beza PRODUK GOJI Natural Solution Marketing dan  Health Builders  dengan PRODUK GOJI YANG LAIN? "
  1. Produk adalah dalam bentuk SERBUK PATI (Extract Powder) berbanding produk-produk goji yang lain dalam bentuk JUS. Dimana satu bancuhan Produk LYCIUM GUARANA bersamaan dengan 16 gram Buah GOJI dalam NUTRIENT yang AKTIF. Bayangkan keberkesanannya.

  2. Buat julung kalinya dihasilkan oleh Syarikat BUMIPUTRA dan pengurusan serta pemerosesan adalah melalui pemiawaian kebersihan yang OPTIMUM juga mendapat pengesahan status sebagai produk HALALdari Jabatan Agama Islam MALAYSIA. Menghilangkan keraguan dan sifat WAS-WAS pengguna dan pengamal.
  3. Produk GOJI CATUABA, LYCIUM GUARANA, GOJI COCOMIANA, GOJI EUCOLLAGEN, GOJI SOYA, GOJI COFFEE adalah bebas daripada dadah Sildenafil, Tadalafil dan Vardenafil dan Melamine

  4. Ditambah dengan serbuk PATI HERBA seperti CATUABA, GUARANA, MUIRA-PUAMA, EUCOLLAGEN dll , herba yang terkenal dalam meningkatkan TENAGA dan menambahkan keberkesanan pengguna dan pengamal.

  5. Produk yang berlandaskan herba, tidak memberi sebarang kesan sampingan jika diambil berlebihan malah digalakkan.

  6. Mendapat respons yang POSITIF serta TESTIMONI-TESTIMONI Terbukti berjaya merawat masalah kesihatan Pengguna dan Pengamalnya dari Penghidap kanser otak, masalah fungsi seks dalam menjangkau usia tua, pengidap diabetes, slip dics dan sebagainya.
Apa tunggu lagi? Bukankah mencegah lebih baik dari MERAWAT?
Dengan GOJI dan keistimewaannya dapat menjimatkan wang dan meningkatkan kesihatan keseluruhan ANDA. Bayangkan anda membeli ubat-ubatan tambahan yang pelbagai sedangkan khasiat-khasiat tersebut telah terkandung dalam GOJI .


  • Diambil 1 - 2 bungkus setiap hari (Terpulang kepada keperluan anda, Tambahkan pengambilan bagi mereka yang mengidap penyakit KRONIK).
  • Dibancuh dengan air suam separuh gelas dan dikacau dengan sudu plastik atau kayu. Elak dari meggunakan sudu besi.
  • Jangan meninggalkan ubat-ubatan yang diberikan doktor anda, pengambilan Produk Berasaskan GOJI  adalah sebagai tambahan berkesan mengubati penyakit anda.
  • NOTA PENTING:- GOJI CATUABA, LYCIUM GUARANA, GOJI COCOMIANA, GOJI EUCOLAGEN tidak sesuai untuk kanak-kanak dan ibu mengandung.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Benefits of Catuaba Bark (One of Goji Catuaba Ingredients)

Contributor By Olga L. Chacon

The catuaba is a small tree that has yellow and orange flowers, which can be found in northern Brazil. In addition to chewing bark from the catuaba tree during their hunting trips in the Amazon, the Tupi Indians have used catuaba bark for years to alleviate mental and physical fatigue, and drowsiness. Below are the essentials on the positive aspects of this bark.

Natural Aphrodisiac

Catuaba bark acts as a natural aphrodisiac. The bark enhances a male's reproductive system. Although the herb is primarily used to improve erection in men, catuaba contains libido-enhancing elements for both men and women. Specifically, it helps the genitals function more effectively.

Promotes Healing

Catuaba bark prevents individuals from feeling agitated, and helps with forgetfulness and dementia. People who have taken this herb, have claimed to feel more relaxed and energetic. Catuaba also acts as a stimulant of the nervous system, and helps with depression. The herb relieves nerve pain, and helps with insomnia.

Non-toxic Properties

Other benefits of catuaba bark are its non-toxic properties, such as aromatic oils, tannins and alkaloids. The herb can be taken as capsules with dosages of 500 to 1000 mg. You can obtain the bark in tincture or powder form. Catuaba produces no side effects because of its non-toxic elements.

Antibacterial Compound

Researchers in Japan have found that catuaba bark contains antibacterial compound. In their studies, mice were given high doses of E. Coli and infection, and catuaba. The catuaba bark protected the mice from the bacteria.

Antiviral Compound

Researchers in Japan have also found that catuaba contains antiviral compound. Studies have shown that the herb can fight the HIV virus. Researchers fed mice catuaba and injected them with the HIV virus. Results show that the catuaba bark protected the white blood cells of the mice from absorbing the virus. However, more studies are still being conducted to on whether catuaba is an effective treatment for the HIV virus.


Catuaba (Being used as one of the Goji Catuaba's Ingredients):- A Safe and Natural Way to Sex Enhancement

By Fred Washburn

There are thousands of males in this world who are worried because of their poor sexual health and performance. They are distressed because of erectile dysfunctions and therefore, suffer from low libido as well. What is sad is that they can't even talk about these issues with friends and others as they feel embarrassed to do so. However, these issues still hold a big importance in their lives, as they at times become the reasons for problems in their married life. Women too look for men who can match up to their sexual needs and desires, and thus, each man wants to have a better control on his body and overall sexual health.

But attaining this control is difficult, especially in the current times when people are pressured due to a lot of work on their head, along with long and unpredictable working hours and timings. They come back home tired, exhausted, suffering from fatigue and hardly have the desire or the energy to go in for an intercourse. Thus, they have a low sex- drive. This is extremely disappointing for the partner who might be looking forward to an intercourse with you, and might be having a high sex- drive. So then what is it that you can do under these circumstances?

The options are many. You could go for various kinds of pills, syrups, tonics, and other kinds of drugs in the market. You could even go for testosterone replacement treatments and other kinds of similar therapies too. You will find about all these from the large- scale publicity that they do over the television, radio, on bill- boards, hoardings, in magazines and newspapers etc. But if you ever take the pains of doing a performance check, you will realise that half of these widely publicized techniques, modes and methods hardly work. Most pills hardly live up to what they promise to deliver, and what one gets instead are various kinds of side- effects that can harm and ruin the internal system of your body. Moreover, harmful effects can be external as well, leading to pimples etc.

Therefore, the need arises for a safe, secure and reliable method of improving sexual health and performance. And what comes in here is the Catuaba bark, which is found in the Amazon rainforests. These forests from centuries have been blessing the mankind with various kinds of herbs and other medicinal plants that have created a revolution in the medical world. And the best thing is that being natural; they hardly have any kinds of side- effects on the human body.

The Catuaba bark is also one such natural blessing that the Amazon rainforests offer us. Scientific studies and researches on this bark have revealed that it can do wonders when it comes to male sexual performance. The bark helps in fighting against fatigue and exhaustion, thus the person feels ready for sex, and has a high sex- drive with both the mind and the body prepared for an intercourse.

During sex, men can experience better libido boost. They will not have to worry about premature ejaculation during foreplay, and they can enjoy appropriate erection during the intercourse. Also, you will not feel tired in the middle of the intercourse, as with regular consumption of Catuaba, your sexual endurance increases. So you can enjoy love- making for longer durations, giving your partner great pleasure.

Catuaba works for the overall health of the body too. And you will feel much fresher, relaxed and confident with its regular consumption.

Fred Washburn is a respected commentator in the male enhancement industry, and has been evaluating these natural tablets for years. He presents information and viewpoints about what to look for, including precautionary measures to take when evaluating natural male enhancement pills. Catuaba bark is commonly included in these products, and should be the cornerstone of any good supplement.

Article Source:


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Komplikasi Sementara Pengambilan GOJI

1MengantukMasalah hati, masalah usus, tekanan darah
2Letih dan penatMasalah di bahagian dada/paru-paru
3MuntahMasalah system penghadaman
4Pening, sakit kepala dan susah tidurTekanan darah dan masalah paru-paru
5DemamDarah tidak seimbang dan tekanan darah
6KentutMasalah usus kecil dan besar
7BerpeluhHaba dalam badan
8Cirit-biritMasalah limpa/hati, usus
9Sakit tekak dan kerongkongMasalah paru-paru
10Sengal sendiMasalah saluran darah, ghout, uric asid tinggi
11Bengkak-bangkak badanMasalah buah pinggang, aliran darah tak sempurna
12Sakit pinggang ke bawahMasalah buah pinggang
13Najis berdarahMasalah Usus
14SembelitMasalah usus besar
15Kencing berbauMasalah buah pinggang, batu karang
16Susah buang air kecilMasalah saluran darah dan buah pinggang
17Kencing manis bertambahMasalah hati dan pancreas
18Darah tinggi bertambahMasalah saluran darah dan buah pinggang
19Pengaliran haid berlebihanMasalah limpa dan rahim
20Kurang selera makanMasalah limpa sejuk
21Bertambah selera makanProses perubahan kolestrol
22Gatal bahagian mataMasalah urat mata dan buah pinggang
23Gatal hidungMasalah resdung
24Cirit-birit, buang air besar banyakMasalah usus kronik

Jika terdapat perkara-perkara tersebut berlaku terhadap diri anda sewaktu peringkat awal pengambilan barangan GOJI, itu adalah petanda-petanda keberkesanan yang sangat positif dalam proses pemulihan. Anda tidak harus bimbang denga keadaan yang tidak menyenangkan ini, teruskan pengambilannya sehingga keadaan akan beransur-ansur normal dan anda akan merasai kepuasannya dan seterusnya menikmati kesempurnaan kesihatan anda.


“Tibetan and Chinese Legends tell of People who lived Century-long lives while retaining the strength and beauty of youth – thanks to Lycium (Goji).

“This year’s breakout (Super fruit) was the Himalayan Goji Berry, said to be a source of Energy and Longevity”

“Celebrities have been singing the praises of Goji.”

“Goji…Packed With Antioxidants.”

Dr. Mehmet Oz said: “…the most potent antioxidant fruit that we know…”

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Goji Catuaba:- Boosting More Power, More Energy, 
More Ummpphh

PRICE (10gm x 15 sachets per box):-

RM86.00 - West Malaysia
RM90.00 - East Malaysia
USD45.00 - Other Countries

PV:- 9.08

Ingredients:- Goji Extract,  Catuaba Extract, Soy Bean, and Fructose. 

Nutrition Facts per 10gm/sachet:-
y:- 41kcalFat:- 0.6gCarbohydrate:- 7.9g;  Protein:- 1.1g

Brief Description:-
With Goji Catuaba, there’s more for you to enjoy in your daily health drink. Goji Catuaba uses only the extract of goji that comes from Zhongning District of Ningxia Province of China. The people from this region have been taking goji as daily food and they believe it helps them stay an active life. Now, with a combination of potent ingredient, Catuaba extract, gives you more power and more health benefits.

Health Benefits of Goji Catuaba:-
• Increases energy
• Acts as anti-oxidant
• Provides high quality protein
• Dilates/relaxes blood vessels
• Increases blood flow

Dosage:- 1 sachet per day

* Not recommended for children under 12 years and pregnant women.
* Please use glass cup & plastic spoon to stir.
                                  *** ~~~***

Special Nutrient in Goji Catuaba

Health Benefit of Catuaba

Catuaba is a medium-sized tree found in the Amazon forest in the northern part of Brazil. Traditionally, the Topi Indians use a decoction of the bark to restore health and vitality after illness. 

Main Actions (in order):- aphrodisiac, nervine (balances/calms nerves), anti-anxiety, central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens the nervous system), antiviral

Main Uses:- an aphrodisiac and libido stimulant for males and females tone, balance, and calm the central nervous system (and for nerve pain, exhaustion, over stimulation)

3.for nervousness, emotional stress, and insomnia (related to overactive neurotransmitters) a general tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)

5.for poor memory, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia

Properties/Actions Documented by Research:- analgesic (pain-reliever), antibacterial, antiviral, vasodilator, vasorelaxant

Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:- anti-anxiety, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), central nervous system tonic (tones, balances, strengthens), nervine (balances/calms nerves), tonic (tones, balances, strengthens)

Please click below to know more about:- 

*  Catuaba


Goji Catuaba:- Meledakkan Lebih Kuasa, Lebih Tenaga, Lebih Ummpphh.!!!!!!!!

HARGA (10gm x 15 sachet sekotak):
RM86.00:- Semenanjung Malaysia
RM90.00:- Sabah/Sarawak
USD45.00:- Negara-Negara Lain
[PV:- 9.08]

Bahan-Bahan:- Ekstrak Goji Ekstrak Catuaba, Kacang Soya, Madu, Fruktos

Fakta Pemakanan:-
Saiz Hidangan: 10 gm/sachet

Tenaga:- 41kcalLemak:- 0.6gKarbohidrat:- 7.9g;  Protein:- 1.1g

Sekilas Pandang:-

Goji Catuaba hanya menggunakan ekstrak Goji yang datangnya dari daerah Zhongning Negeri Ningxia di Negara China. Penduduk di kawasan ini telah pun mengamalkan Goji sebagai makanan harian & mereka percaya Goji membantu hidup lebih aktif. Catuaba pula merupakan pokok bersaiz sederhana yang terdapat di hutan Amazon di bahagian utara Brazil yang sangat berkesan untuk melebar dan merehatkan pembuluh darah. Secara tradisi, puak Topi Indian menggunakan rebusan pati daripada kulit kayunya untuk memulihkan kesihatan dan mendapat tenaga selepas sakit

Faedah Kesihatan Goji Catuaba

• Menambah tenaga
• Bertindak sebagai anti-oksidan
• Membekalkan protein berkualiti tinggi
• Melebar/merehatkan pembuluh darah
• Melancarkan perjalanan darah

Sukatan Minum:- 1 sachet sehari

* Kanak-kanak di bawah 12 tahun dan wanita mengandung dilarang meminumnya

** Gunakan sudu plastik dan gelas kaca. Elakkan guna besi untuk membancuh Goji Catuaba

                                               *** ~~~***
Keistimewaan Ekstrak Catuaba Dalam Goji Catuaba:-

1. Sebagai perangsang seks bagi lelaki dan wanita untuk merawat masalah ketidaktegangan / mati pucuk bagi lelaki dan "anaorgasmia" (masalah tidak mencapai organisma) bagi wanita.

2. Mengseimbang dan memperkuatkan sistem "central nervous" dan mengatasi masalah tekanan emosi, murung dan kerisauan. 

3. Sebagai pengimbang hormon secara umum. 

4. Mengatasi masalah perut, colic, dyspepsia

5. Mengatasi masalah "mood disorders (hypochondria, obsessive compulsive disorder, neurosis, paranoia, etc)".

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